Foot Health Clinic

Laser foot therapy in Burlington, Ontario.Rid yourself of this unsightly condition with laser treatments at the Wilson Foot Health Clinic. 


No referral is necessary. 


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Clinic for foot health in Burlington

Laser Therapy for Foot Health

The Wilson Foot Health Clinic is proud to offer laser treatments with the latest Fotona XP Focus medical laser technologies.  This revolutionary new treatment method brings the medical power of light to treat plantar warts and fungal nail disease.  The Fotona Laser works by a photo – thermal effect mechanism that raises the temperature of the irradiated blood vessels. The treatment is much quicker and more effective than traditional methods, at a relatively similar total cost.


Laser Treatment of Plantar Warts

Persistent plantar warts can now be treated with a safe, noninvasive laser treatment in 1-4 sessions. Adults can have up to 4 treatments in a week, and children can have 1-2.   Compare this fast course of treatment to the generally ineffective and prolonged treatment with liquid nitrogen or over the counter medications.

Best of all, the treatment is fairly comfortable as the laser produces a tolerable warming of the tissue. Furthermore, there is no pain or discomfort after treatment – meaning you can resume your usual routine.   The Fotona XP Focus is one of the most effective treatments for Plantar warts currently available. 


A full course of treatment results in successful removal of warts with 96% cure rate according to clinical studies .  Studies also show no recurrences and no unwanted side effects.


Laser Treatment of Fungal Nail Disease

The Fotona XP Focus medical laser safely and effectively treats fungal nail disease.  This is the least invasive treatment option available and is a relatively painless three step procedure.  The laser causes only mild, tolerable heat sensation for a very short time.


Laser treatment for toe rejuvinationThere are no unwanted side effects. There is no oral medication required, which does have a number of potentially serious side effects including toxicity to your liver.

The treatment is fast: once a week for 4 weeks.


Clinical studies show that laser can treat this challenging nail condition with an impressive 83%-94% success rate.  The laser treatment does not just stop or slow fungal infection - it eradicates fungal nail disease! 


The parasitic fungi on infected nails are safely destroyed with exposure to repetitive increases in temperature.  The heating of the irradiated fungal cells and production of heat shock causes the fungal cell proteins to become denatured and die.  The fungi ceases reproduction and growth.  Clearing of the nails occurs as fresh, new nail growth occurs.   Clear nails usually start to be visible 3-6 months after treatment.